Cruise Ship Photographs
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Built 2002, 42289 Grt, British flag.
Berthed at the cruise terminal, Istanbul, on 24th
September 2002, having arrived from Thessaloniki. Photographed during the
TSS Turkish tour.
von Humboldt
Built 1990, 15,343 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Inward bound in Southampton Water, whilst arriving
at Southampton, from Villagarcia on 29th October 2008.

Built 2005, 83000 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Top : Outward bound in Southampton Water, after
departing Southampton on 7th May 2005, bound for Vigo.
Middle : Outward bound in Southampton Water, off Calshot, on 19th May 2007, after departing from berth 106, Western Docks, Southampton, bound for Zeebrugge. Previously arrived on
the 19th May from Gibraltar.
: Outward bound in Southampton Water, off Calshot, on 31st July 2009, after departing from
Southampton, bound for Stavanger.
Built 1982, 44,588 Grt, Bermuda flag.
Outward bound in Southampton Water, off
Calshot, on 28th August 2009, having departed from Southampton for

Built 1948, 16,144 Grt, Madeira flag.
Arriving in Portsmouth Harbour on 23rd
April 2010, from Lisbon.

Built 2000, 76152 Grt, British flag.
Top : Outward bound in Southampton Water, off Calshot, on 19th
May 2007, after departing from berth 38/39. Eastern Docks, bound for Copenhagen. Previously arrived at Southampton on
19th May from Brest.
: Outward bound in Southampton Water, off Calshot, on 26th September 2009,
bound for Lisbon.

Built 2010, 115,055 Grt, British flag.
Departing from Southampton on 12th April
2010, on her maiden cruise, bound for Malaga.
Built 1988, 43,537 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Berthed at Southampton, before her first
cruise for Fred Olsen on 9th February 2008.

Black Prince
Built 1966, 11209 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Top : Departing from Southampton on 5th April 2003, after leaving berth 41, Eastern Docks, bound for Spain, Previously arrived from Rouen
5th April. Bottom
: At Southampton on 18th October
2009, having been sold by Fred Olsen to owners in Venezuela
for further trading.

Black Watch
Built 1972, 28668 Grt, Maltese flag.
Top : At berth 101, Western Docks, Southampton on 22nd April
2006, having arrived on 22nd April from Tangier. Departed later in the day
for La Corunna.
Built 1968, 15781 Grt, Panama flag.
Outward bound in Grand Harbour, Valletta on 27th March
2002, having departed from Pinto Wharf.
Built 1973, 28372 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Outward bound in Southampton Water off Calshot, on 31st
March 2007, having departed from berth 38/39, Eastern Docks, bound for Cadiz. Previously arrived on
31st March from Guernsey.
Built 1993, 19089 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Inward bound in Southampton Water, bound for No. 7
Drydock, Southampton on 31st October 2004, arriving from Gibraltar.
Departed Southampton on 2nd November 2004 for Funchal.
Built 1990, 6,752 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Anchored off Cowes, Isle of Wight, on 2nd
June 2009, having arrived from Rouen.
Built 1973, 24492 Grt, British flag.
Inward bound in the River Schelde, passing Terneuzen, on
1st June 2002, bound for Antwerp.

Built 2010, 122,000 Grt, Maltese flag.
Arriving at Southampton,
on 23rd April 2010, from Lisbon with stranded British tourists, evacuated
due to the Icelandic ash cloud.
Built 2009, 121,878 Grt, Maltese flag.
At the City Cruise Terminal, Southampton,
on 19th July 2009, shortly after her arrival from her builders in
Costa Europa
Built 1986, 54763 Grt, Italian flag.
In the Bosphorus on 12th July 2007, passing Rumeli Hisari, Northbound, whilst on a voyage from Naples to Odessa.
Costa Serena
Built 2007, 114500 Grt, Italian flag.
In the Bosphorus on 12th July 2007, after departing from the Cruise Terminal, Istanbul bound for Dubrovnik. Previously having arrived from Izmir on
Built 1980, 25,611 Grt, Greek Flag.
Berthed at the cruise terminal at Istanbul,
having arrived from Piraeus on 5th October 2008.
Built 1914, 6,804 Grt, Malta Flag.
At berth 101, Western Docks, Southampton on 9th April
2004 during a visit to the port.
Built 2008, 86,273 Grt, Dutch Flag.
Departing from Southampton for Rotterdam on
28th June 2008, whilst on her delivery voyage from her builders in Venice.

Built 2007, 11,647 Grt, Norwegian
International Flag.
Arriving in Portsmouth Harbour on 12th May
2010, from Hamburg. Departed on the same day for Penzance.
Freedom of
the Seas
Built 2006, 154,407 Grt, Bahamas Flag.
Top & Middle : Inward bound in Southampton Water, 0n
29th April 2006, bound for 101 berth, Western Docks, Southampton on her maiden arrival, escorted by tug Adsteam Deben. Arriving from Oslo. Departed on
29th April for a channel cruise to Guernsey. At this point she was the
largest cruise ship afloat.
Bottom : At berth 101, Western Docks, Southampton on
29th April 2006, having arrived on her maiden call from Oslo.

Golden Princess
Built 2001, 108806 Grt, Liberian flag.
Top Photo : In Southampton Water after departing berth 38/39, Southampton on
14th September 2003 for New York. Previously arrived on 14th September from Le Havre.
Photo : Outward bound in Southampton Water, after departing from berth
38/39, Eastern Docks, Southampton on 11th June 2005, bound for Dublin.

Grand Mistral
Built 1999, 47,276 Grt, Marshall Islands Flag.
Top : Berthed at Adossat Wharf, Barcelona, on 20th March 2006,
having arrived earlier that day from Santos, Brazil. Departed on
27th March for Leghorn.
: Berthed at Istanbul Cruise Terminal on 11th August 2009, having arrived
from Izmir.
Built 1998, 108,806 Grt, Bermuda Flag.
Catching the early morning sunlight, whilst
berthed at the cruise terminal at Istanbul, having arrived from Piraeus on
10th October 2008.
of the Seas
Built 2008, 154,407 Grt, Bahamas Flag.
Photographed on 23rd August 2008, departing
from Southampton, bound for Cork.
Legend of the Seas
Built 1995, 69130 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Berthed at the City Cruise Terminal, Berth 101, Western
Docks, Southampton on 7th May 2005.
Built 1965, 22,080 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Outward bound in the River Thames on 6th
August 2009, having departed from Tilbury, bound for Bremerhaven.
Built 1969, 24,220 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Arriving at Southampton City Cruise
Terminal from Villagarcia, Spain on 31st July 2008.
Built 2000, 90228 Grt, Liberian flag.
Arriving at 101 berth, Western Docks, Southampton, on
21st April 2007, from Brest. Departed on 21st April, for Le Havre.
Built 1952, 20046 Grt, Panama flag.
Berthed at the Cruise Terminal, Istanbul, on 26th
September 2002, having arrived from Volos. Photographed during the TSS
Turkish tour.

Built 2010, 92,409 Grt, Panama flag.
Arriving at Southampton on 26th February
2010, on her delivery voyage from her builders at St Nazaire. Departed on
26th February for Montoir.
Navigator of
the Seas
Built 2002, 138279 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Outward bound in Southampton Water, on 2nd June 2007, having departed from berth 101, Western Docks, Southampton, for Cork. Previously arrived on
2nd June from Vigo.

Built 2010, 153,000 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Arriving at the Hook of Holland on 19th
June 2010, bound for Rotterdam on her delivery voyage from her builders in
Built 2006, 93,558 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Outward bound in Southampton Water, for
Vigo on 23rd August 2008.
Norwegian Pearl
Built 2006, 93,500 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Top & Middle : At berth 38/39, Eastern Docks, Southampton,
on 2nd December 2006, having arrived on 1st December 2006 from Rotterdam on a visit prior to departing on
her maiden Atlantic crossing to her home port of Miami on 2nd December. She carried 1198 passengers
and 1107 crew on the voyage to Miami.
Bottom : Departing in the early evening on her maiden
voyage across the Atlantic to Miami on 2nd December 2006.
Ocean Majesty
Built 1966, 10,417 Grt, Madeira flag.
Outward bound in Southampton Water, passing
Calshot Spit, on 10th September 2009, bound for Vigo.
Ocean Monarch
Built 1955, 15,833 Grt, Madeira flag.
Berthed at the cruise terminal at Istanbul,
having arrived from Varna on 9th October 2008.
Ocean Village Two
Built 1990, 70310 Grt, British flag.
At berth 46, Eastern Docks, Southampton, on 21st April
2007, for her naming ceremony, having arrived on 21st April at berth 106 from Guernsey. Departed on
25th April for Gibraltar and Barcelona.

Built 2000, 77499 Grt, Bermuda flag.
Top : Outward bound in Southampton Harbour after departing from berth 106 Western Docks, bound for
Vigo on 9th July 2005.
Middle : At berth 106, Western Docks, Southampton, on 3rd June 2006, having arrived
earlier that day from Guernsey. Departed later in the day for Vigo.
:Photographed on 23rd August 2008, departing from
Southampton, bound for Stavanger.
Built 1965, 38772 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Berthed at Adossat Wharf, Barcelona, on 20th March 2006,
having arrived earlier that day from La Goulette. Departed later that day for Nice.

Built 1995, 69153 Grt, British flag.
Top : Outward bound in Southampton Water after departing from berth 106 Western Docks, bound for St.
Petersport on 4th October 2003. Previously arrived on 4th October from Barcelona.
: At berth 38/39, Eastern Docks, Southampton, on 8th September 2007, having arrived on
8th September from Brest. Departed on 8th September for Lisbon.
Built 1980, 12535 Grt, St Vincent & Grenadines Flag.
Photographed berthed at Tilbury Passenger Terminal on
1st September 2001, during the TSS Thames Cruise.
Princess Danae
Built 1955, 9783 Grt, Panama Flag,
Berthed in Dunkerque Harbour 15th July 2000, during the
TSS Continental Tour.
Built 1991, 2,964 Grt, Sierra Leone Flag,
Berthed at the Cruise Terminal, Istanbul,
on 13th August 2009.

Queen Elizabeth 2
Built 1968, 70327 Grt, British Flag.
Top : Departing from Southampton on 22nd September 2001.
2nd Photo : At berth 38/39, Eastern Docks, Southampton, on 26th August 2007, having arrived on
26th August from Gibraltar. Departed on 26th August for Bilbao.
Photo : Photographed on 26th April 2008, moving berths in Southampton
Harbour assisted by tugs.
: On her last visit to Southampton on 11th November 2008, before her final
departure for Dubai. |
Queen Mary 2
Built 2003, 148,528 Grt, British Flag.
Top : Arriving at Southampton on 12th April 2004, arriving
from Lisbon.
At berth 38/39, Eastern Docks, Southampton, on 27th August 2006, having arrived
earlier that day from Hamburg. Departed later the same day for New York.
: Outward bound in Southampton Water on 26th September 2009, having
departed from Southampton, bound for New York.
Built 2007, 90,049 Grt, British Flag.
Berthed at the City Cruise Terminal,
Southampton, before departing for New York on 6th January 2008.
Built 1977, 17095 Grt, Italian flag.
Transitting the Bosphorus on 24th September 2004 whilst
on a cruise from Piraeus to Yalta. Photographed during the
TSS Turkish tour.
Built 1997, 59,652 Grt, Dutch flag.
Outward bound in the New Waterway, on 31st
May 2009, having departed from Rotterdam bound for the Tyne.
Saga Pearl
Built 1996, 12331 Grt, Bahamas Flag.
Outward bound in the Solent after departing from berth 38/39, Eastern Docks,
Southampton on 31st May 2003. |
Built 1965, 24,528 Grt, Bahamas flag.
Arriving at Southampton on 25th August
2009, from Liverpool.
Built 1973, 24,492 Grt, British Flag.
Top : Catching the last rays of sunshine of the
day, on 17th October 2008, departing from Southampton, bound for Lisbon.
: Arriving at the City Cruise Terminal, Southampton, on 10th December
2009, from Hamburg.
Sea Princess
Built 1998, 77499 Grt, Bermuda Flag.
Top : At berth 38/39, Eastern Docks,
Southampton on 9th July 2005, having arrived from Helsingborg.
Subsequently departed for Dublin on the same day. Middle
: Departing from berth 38/39, Eastern Docks, Southampton, on
17th June 2006, bound for Stavanger. Previously arrived from Gibraltar
earlier that day. Bottom
: Outward bound in Southampton Water, having departed for Vigo on 28th
June 2008. |
Silver Cloud
Built 1994, 16927 Grt, Bahamas Flag.
Outward bound in the River Schelde, passing Walsoorden
after departing from Antwerp on 18th August 2005. |
Sky Wonder
Built 1984, 46,087 Grt, Malta Flag.
Berthed at the cruise terminal at Istanbul,
having arrived from Kusadasi on 5th October 2008.
Built 1970, 22945 Grt, Bahamas Flag.
Inward bound in Southampton Water, bound for berth 38/39, Eastern Docks,
Southampton on 11th October 2003. |
The Aegean
Built 1971, 16,710 Grt, Greek Flag.
In the Bosphorus, passing Rumeli Hisari, on
9th August 2009, whilst on a voyage from Samsun to Piraeus.
The Emerald
Built 1958, 26,428 Grt, Greek Flag.
In the Bosphorus, Northbound, passing
Kandilli, whilst on a cruise from Kusadasi to Odessa on 8th October 2008.
Built 1983, 33,930 Grt, Cypriot Flag.
Outward bound in Southampton Water, passing
Calshot Spit, on 1st October 2009, bound for Lisbon.
Built 2007, 116,017 Grt, Bermuda Flag.
Departing from Southampton on 22nd May
2009, bound for Bergen.
Voyager of
the Seas
Built 1999, 137,276 Grt, Bahamas Flag.
Berthed at the City Cruise Terminal,
Southampton on 3rd May 2009, having arrived from Cherbourg.